Mid-Northeast Presidents-Elect Learning Seminar (PELS) is a premier learning event for Rotary President-Elects and Assistant Governors. Mid-Northeast PELS provides required knowledge to serve as Club President, or Assistant Governor as well as inspiration and motivation. Mid-Northeast PELS is a 6-District, 300+ clubs learning event, with the atmosphere of a mini-Rotary International convention. As we emerge from the pandemic, the 2025 PELS will continue to be the in-person event it was in 2022, 2023 and 2024. Our speakers, District Governors-Elect, educators, committee, and discussion leaders all have one thought in mind: equip and excite Club Presidents-Elect and Assistant Governors for their year of service.
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Stop by and grab a cup of coffee and a bite to eat with your District before heading downstairs for today's Opening Session.
7210= Hudson Valley NY Suite 857 7230=Manhattan, The Bronx, Staten Island, Westchester County NY, & Bermuda Suite 850 7255= Brooklyn, Queens, Nassau & Suffolk Counties of NY Suite 858 7410= Northeastern Pennsylvania Suite 841 7475= Essex, Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Morris, Somerset, Sussex, Union, & Warren Counties NJ Suite 849 7490= Bergen, Hudson, & Passaic Counties NJ Suite 845