Mid-Northeast Presidents-Elect Learning Seminar (PELS) is a premier learning event for Rotary President-Elects and Assistant Governors.  Mid-Northeast PELS provides required knowledge to serve as Club President, or Assistant Governor as well as inspiration and motivation.  Mid-Northeast PELS is a 6-District, 300+ clubs learning event, with the atmosphere of a mini-Rotary International convention.  As we emerge from the pandemic, the 2025 PELS will continue to be the in-person event it was in 2022, 2023 and 2024.  Our speakers, District Governors-Elect, educators, committee, and discussion leaders all have one thought in mind:  equip and excite Club Presidents-Elect and Assistant Governors for their year of service.
Thursday March 20, 2025 9:00pm - 11:30pm EDT
So you just got settled into the hotel and now you want to kick back, relax, and chat about how to save the world? We've got the perfect place for you! Up on the 8th floor you will find our six hospitality suites. Yep, that’s right six- each with a different theme so come mingle your way around the world while meeting and talking to fellow President-Elects, Assistant Governors, Governors, and presenters. This is one of the most valuable opportunities to network, get new ideas, and build relationships to help make 2025-2026 the best year of your Rotary life.
7210= Hudson Valley NY Suite 857
7230=Manhattan, The Bronx, Staten Island, Westchester County NY, & Bermuda Suite 850
7255= Brooklyn, Queens, Nassau & Suffolk Counties of NY Suite 858
7410= Northeastern Pennsylvania Suite 841
7475= Essex, Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Morris, Somerset, Sussex, Union, & Warren Counties NJ Suite 849
7490= Bergen, Hudson, & Passaic Counties NJ Suite 845

**Note: Individual hospitality suite hours may vary by district**
Thursday March 20, 2025 9:00pm - 11:30pm EDT
Hospitality Suites Hanover Marriott

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