About me
Rev. Dr. J. Loren Russell from the Rotary Club of Yonkers-East Yonkers just completed his tenure as District Governor for Rotary District 7230 (2023-2024). He has been a Rotarian since April 30, 2004, and served as president of his club 3 times.
James ‘Loren’ Russell was born in Harlem, New York, and raised in the Bronx, where he and his wife (Evelyn) of thirty-six years currently reside.
Loren earned the Master of Divinity degree from Drew Theological Seminary and received an Honorary Doctor of Ministry from the Virginia University of Lynchburg. Loren began his professional career as a life insurance agent, quickly rising to sales manager and then senior management. To fulfill his entrepreneurial ambitions, Loren established The JLR Company in 1992 and incorporated J Loren R Consulting, LLC in 2023 to expand his ability to serve. Through The JLR Company/J Loren R Consulting, LLC, Loren provides financial, strategic planning, and business consultations to churches, not-for-profit organizations, and businesses nationally, specializing in urban church strategies.
He also served 7 years with the Southern Baptist Convention as the Northeast Strategy Coordinator, Regional Church Finance Consultant, and Church Planting Coordinator for NYC.
Loren's spiritual and civic commitment keeps him very busy. He ran for City Council of District 17 in the Bronx, New York in 2016; serves as the Clergy Officiant at the Evangelical Church of God and Associate Minister and Sunday School teacher at Goodwill Baptist Church, both in the Bronx. He founded “Back In Stride Ministry,” a ministry designed to help ex-offenders to establish their own businesses; is the President of the John L. Scott Associate Ministers Auxiliary of the United Missionary Baptist Association; Chief Chaplain and founder of the New York State Chaplains Workers Task Force, Inc; a Clergy Liaison and President of the Precinct Community Council for the 42nd Pct. of the NYPD; Moderator for NYPD Ceasefire Program, and lead clergy for the City Wide Clergy Collaborative (C-3) out of the Mayor’s office. He serves as the President of the Home/Simpson Street Homeowners Association, Bronx, NY; Board member of Harlem Congregations for Community Improvement (HCCI); past Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Community League of the Heights, NYC, and helped establish and provided voice-overs for the Speaking Community Calendar at Bronx Net Cable, Bronx, NY.
Reverend Dr. Russell also writes a weekly column called “Matters of Faith” that is published in the Bronx Chronicle (www.thebronxchronicle.com), The Yonkers Insider (www.yonkersinsider.blogspot.com) and Better Mag Magazine (www.abettermag.com). He is also the executive producer and host of a weekly YouTube broadcast, “Matters of Faith: The Radio Show,” and is the author/publisher of Matters of Faith: The Book. Loren is also profiled in the book, Children of the Dream - The Psychology of Black Success by Audrey Edwards and Dr. Craig Polite.
Rev. Russell is a frequently sought-after preacher, keynote, motivational speaker, workshop leader, and master of ceremonies for a variety of programs.
Upon taking office as District Governor on 1 July 2023, Loren became the 11th District Governor from his Club - the Rotary Club of Yonkers-East Yonkers, and the first African American to serve in the history of the District.