Mid-Northeast Presidents-Elect Learning Seminar (PELS) is a premier learning event for Rotary President-Elects and Assistant Governors. Mid-Northeast PELS provides required knowledge to serve as Club President, or Assistant Governor as well as inspiration and motivation. Mid-Northeast PELS is a 6-District, 300+ clubs learning event, with the atmosphere of a mini-Rotary International convention. As we emerge from the pandemic, the 2025 PELS will continue to be the in-person event it was in 2022, 2023 and 2024. Our speakers, District Governors-Elect, educators, committee, and discussion leaders all have one thought in mind: equip and excite Club Presidents-Elect and Assistant Governors for their year of service.
Sign up or log in to bookmark your favorites and sync them to your phone or calendar.
We have a wonderful assortment of companies, non-profit organizations, and Rotary projects on display! Take a look around, learn about a new project, plan a new fundraiser, and pick up some Rotary Swag so you can look cool while doing it.
**Note individual vendors may open and close at different times**
Stop by and grab a cup of coffee and a bite to eat with your District before heading downstairs for today's Opening Session.
7210= Hudson Valley NY Suite 857 7230=Manhattan, The Bronx, Staten Island, Westchester County NY, & Bermuda Suite 850 7255= Brooklyn, Queens, Nassau & Suffolk Counties of NY Suite 858 7410= Northeastern Pennsylvania Suite 841 Area 60/NJ 9= Essex, Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Morris, Somerset, Sussex, Union, & Warren Counties NJ Suite 849 7490= Bergen, Hudson, & Passaic Counties NJ Suite 845
Rob Raylman has held the position of Chief Executive Officer of Gift of Life International since February 2008. He has been a member of the Manhasset Rotary since March 2008 and was club President for 2020-21. Before Rob came to Gift of Life International he was a Vice President for... Read More →
Saturday March 22, 2025 8:30am - 9:15am EDT
Grand BallroomHanover Marriott
Learning Leaders: Penny Byron, Carrie Hernandez, Mahbub Ahmad, Thomas Crowley, Samantha Maruzzelli, Andrea Chapman, Bill Skinner, Kalpana Patel, Joe Smith, Jay Fowler, Rick Saltarelli
Session Feedback: Please click the link below to give your feedback about this session. First TIme Presidents: https://forms.gle/rTcx1wRnp7s6NHt97
Session Overview: To promote effective projects, club and district leaders ensure that organizers conduct a needs assessment, develop a plan, carry out the plan, and evaluate success. Partnering with other organizations, community members, or beneficiaries can foster sustainability and local ownership of the project.
At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
Identify new ways to involve more Rotary members in projects
Involve the community in planning and conducting a project
Learning Leaders: Mike Polasek, Peter Sullivan, Eric Storberg, Arnold Quaranta, Sonia Saleh, Marcia Loughman, Jeannie Tsukamoto, Peter Lefkowitz
Session Feedback: Please click the link below to give your feedback about this session. Encore Presidents: https://forms.gle/hATFkVosQ4jwPGxp7
Session Overview: Clubs and districts often ask their members to contribute to The Rotary Foundation and hold fundraising events to support projects or polio eradication.
At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
Identify strategies to fundraise for their club, district, or The Rotary Foundation
Collaborate on fundraising efforts with other participants
Learning Leaders: Penny Byron, Carrie Hernandez, Thomas Crowley, Mahbub Ahmad, Samantha Maruzzelli, Andrea Chapman, Bill Skinner, Kalpana Patel, Joe Smith, Jay Fowler, Rick Saltarelli
Session Feedback: Please click the link below to give your feedback about this session. First TIme Presidents: https://forms.gle/rTcx1wRnp7s6NHt97
Session Overview: Clubs and districts often ask their members to contribute to The Rotary Foundation and hold fundraising events to support projects or polio eradication.
At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
Identify strategies to fundraise for their club, district, or The Rotary Foundation
Collaborate on fundraising efforts with other participants
District 7210 Past District Governor, PELS 2025 Foundation Fundraiser Chair, Rotary International Director & Treasurer 2022-24
Drew Kessler is senior vice president of the commercial real estate division at M&T Bank, where he manages a large loan portfolio of real estate and commercial ventures with major businesses in the New York City area.Drew has led numerous professional real estate organizations, serving... Read More →
District 7210 Past District Governor, PELS 2025 General Chair, Zone 32 Rotary Coordinator
Cindie is currently the COL representative for D7210, she served as Zone 32 ARC, Zone 32 GNETS Learning Leader, Zone 32 Rotary International Chair Beyond Borders in Melbourne and Singapore, Curriculum Chair MNE PETS, and Zone 32 District Membership Chair Learning Leader at The Action... Read More →
Saturday March 22, 2025 11:45am - 1:00pm EDT
Grand BallroomHanover Marriott
Districts come in all shapes and sizes, this session will be specific to YOUR district and will help you understand the resources available in your area. 7210= Hudson Valley NY 7230=Manhattan, The Bronx, Staten Island, Westchester County NY, & Bermuda 7255= Brooklyn, Queens, Nassau & Suffolk Counties of NY 7410= Northeastern Pennsylvania 7475= Essex, Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Morris, Somerset, Sussex, Union, & Warren Counties NJ 7490= Bergen, Hudson, & Passaic Counties NJ
Saturday March 22, 2025 1:15pm - 3:00pm EDT
Salons A-F
PELS 2025 Sergeants & AV Chair, District 7255 Past District Governor
In 1986 shortly after they were married Arnie & Rose moved to Ronkonkoma and joined St. Joseph’s Parish where he is still active today as a Eucharistic Minister. Arnold quickly got involved in the community joining the St. Regis Knights of Columbus that same year. In 1987 Arnie... Read More →