Mid-Northeast Presidents-Elect Learning Seminar (PELS) is a premier learning event for Rotary President-Elects and Assistant Governors. Mid-Northeast PELS provides required knowledge to serve as Club President, or Assistant Governor as well as inspiration and motivation. Mid-Northeast PELS is a 6-District, 300+ clubs learning event, with the atmosphere of a mini-Rotary International convention. As we emerge from the pandemic, the 2025 PELS will continue to be the in-person event it was in 2022, 2023 and 2024. Our speakers, District Governors-Elect, educators, committee, and discussion leaders all have one thought in mind: equip and excite Club Presidents-Elect and Assistant Governors for their year of service.
Sign up or log in to bookmark your favorites and sync them to your phone or calendar.
Be sure to pick up your badge and registration material as you will need them throughout the weekend. Registration is done by District so look for your District number. 7210= Hudson Valley NY 7230=Manhattan, The Bronx, Staten Island, Westchester County NY, & Bermuda 7255= Brooklyn, Queens, Nassau & Suffolk Counties of NY 7410= Northeastern Pennsylvania 7475 Essex, Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Morris, Somerset, Sussex, Union, & Warren Counties NJ, 7490= Bergen, Hudson, & Passaic Counties NJ
We have a wonderful assortment of companies, non-profit organizations, and Rotary projects on display! Take a look around, learn about a new project, plan a new fundraiser, and pick up some Rotary Swag so you can look cool while doing it.
**Note individual vendors may open and close at different times**
Stop by and grab a cup of coffee and a bite to eat with your District before heading downstairs for today's Opening Session.
7210= Hudson Valley NY Suite 857 7230=Manhattan, The Bronx, Staten Island, Westchester County NY, & Bermuda Suite 850 7255= Brooklyn, Queens, Nassau & Suffolk Counties of NY Suite 858 7410= Northeastern Pennsylvania Suite 841 7475= Essex, Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Morris, Somerset, Sussex, Union, & Warren Counties NJ Suite 849 7490= Bergen, Hudson, & Passaic Counties NJ Suite 845
Chris Etienne is an Associate Broker with Harbor Sotheby’s International Realty and Director of Leasing for the Village at Bay Harbor. She currently serves as Vice Chair of the North Central Michigan College Board of Trustees and immediate past president of the Emmet Association... Read More →
Friday March 21, 2025 8:30am - 9:15am EDT
Grand BallroomHanover Marriott
Chris Etienne is an Associate Broker with Harbor Sotheby’s International Realty and Director of Leasing for the Village at Bay Harbor. She currently serves as Vice Chair of the North Central Michigan College Board of Trustees and immediate past president of the Emmet Association... Read More →
Learning Leaders: Sonia Saleh, Peter Sullivan, Penny Byron, David Ping, Abit Ragbeer, Arnold Quaranta, Debbie Shelly, Sal Lavatino, Peter Lefkowitz, John Susani, John Cosgrove
Session Feedback: Please click the link below to give your feedback about this session. First TIme Presidents: https://forms.gle/rTcx1wRnp7s6NHt97
Session Overview By understanding trends, strengths, and opportunities, presidents can help clubs set short- and long-term goals that align with Rotary’s Action Plan.
Learning Leaders: Mike Polasek, Carrie Hernandez, Mahbub Ahmad, Mary Ellen Ellwood, Taylor Quaranta, Jeannie Tsukamoto, Nikki Mederos, Phil Wells
Session Feedback: Please click the link below to give your feedback about this session. Encore Presidents: https://forms.gle/hATFkVosQ4jwPGxp7
Session Overview: By understanding trends, strengths, and opportunities, Presidents can help Clubs set short-term and long-term goals that align with Rotary’s Action Plan. After this Session, participants will be able to: • Identify their Club’s strengths and weaknesses. • Set 3-Year Goals that align with Rotary’s Action Plan.
Learning Leaders: Penny Byron, Peter Sullivan, David Ping, Abit Ragbeer, Arnold Quaranta, Sonia Saleh, Debbie Shelly, Sal Lavatino, Peter Lefkowitz, John Susani, John Cosgrove
Session Feedback: Please click the link below to give your feedback about this session. First TIme Presidents: https://forms.gle/rTcx1wRnp7s6NHt97
Session Overview Club presidents can provide meaningful experiences for members and participants by working with other club officers to plan club meetings, assemblies, and board meetings that are welcoming, engaging, and inclusive.
After this session, participants will be able to:
Discuss ideas for meeting formats that will keep members engaged
Identify ways to improve the meeting experience for members
Learning Leaders: Mike Polasek, Carrie Hernandez, Mahbub Ahmad, Mary Ellen Ellwood, Taylor Quaranta, Jeannie Tsukamoto, Nikki Mederos, Phil Wells
Session Feedback: Please click the link below to give your feedback about this session. Encore Presidents: https://forms.gle/hATFkVosQ4jwPGxp7
Session Overview: To help expand our reach, one of Rotary’s strategic priorities, clubs should develop a plan to promote their activities and projects. At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
Understand how to organize a public image campaign
identify ways to promote their club and its activities and projects
Sangkoo Yun, of the Rotary Club of Sae Hanyang, Seoul, Korea, officially became the Rotary International President Nominee on 15 September 2024. He will serve as Rotary International President for the Rotary Year 2026-27 Yun received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the... Read More →
District 7210 Past District Governor, PELS 2025 General Chair, Zone 32 Rotary Coordinator
Cindie is currently the COL representative for D7210, she served as Zone 32 ARC, Zone 32 GNETS Learning Leader, Zone 32 Rotary International Chair Beyond Borders in Melbourne and Singapore, Curriculum Chair MNE PETS, and Zone 32 District Membership Chair Learning Leader at The Action... Read More →
Friday March 21, 2025 11:45am - 1:00pm EDT
Grand BallroomHanover Marriott
Learning Leaders: David Ping, Abit Ragneer, Arnold Quaranta, Sonia Saleh, Thomas Crowley, Marcia Loughman, Kalpana Patel, Joe Smith, Debbie Shelly, Peter Lefkowitz, Rick Saltarelli
Session Feedback: Please click the link below to give your feedback about this session. First TIme Presidents: https://forms.gle/rTcx1wRnp7s6NHt97
Session Overview: By getting to know members well, club presidents can engage them in ways that tap into their unique skills and interests, creating a more meaningful membership experience.
After this session, participants will be able to:
Involve members in ways that make them feel valued for the unique skills they bring
Learning Leaders: Mike Polasek, Eric Storberg, Mary Ellen Ellwood, Taylor Quaranta, Mary Ellen Bentler, Samantha Maruzzelli, Jeannie Tsukamoto, John Susani
Session Feedback: Please click the link below to give your feedback about this session. Encore Presidents: https://forms.gle/hATFkVosQ4jwPGxp7
Session Overview: By getting to know members well, club presidents can engage them in ways that tap into their unique skills and interests, creating a more meaningful membership experience.
After this session, participants will be able to:
Involve members in ways that make them feel valued for the unique skills they bring
Learning Leaders: David Ping, Abit Ragbeer, Arnold Quaranta, Sonia Saleh, Thomas Crowley, Marcia Loughman, Kalpana Patel, Joe Smith, Debbie Shelly, Peter Lefkowitz, Rick Saltarelli
Session Feedback: Please click the link below to give your feedback about this session. First TIme Presidents: https://forms.gle/rTcx1wRnp7s6NHt97
Session Overview: When club presidents create an inclusive club culture, then develop and implement innovative strategies to attract diverse participants, they strengthen their own clubs and Rotary.
After this session, participants will be able to:
Identify areas of their club they need to focus on to create an inclusive environment
Develop strategies to attract new and diverse members
Panelists: TBA Session Feedback: Please click the link below to give your feedback about this session. Encore Presidents: https://forms.gle/hATFkVosQ4jwPGxp7 Returning Club Presidents will gain knowledge and learn about resources from Rotary International Membership staff, RC Herb Klotz and ARC Ray Freaney. This will provide them with effective tools and proven models for attraction and attrition of members.
After this session, participants will be able to:
Identify areas of their club they need to focus on to create an inclusive environment
Develop strategies to attract new and diverse members.
Learn ways to attract and retain members.
Use the Action Plan as a model to attract new members.
Learn about membership leads.
Learn about resources for membership and membership goals.
Learning Leaders: Peter Sullivan, Eric Storberg, Mary Ellen Bentler, Andrea Chapman, Bill Skinner, Sal Lavatino, John Susani, John Cosgrove, Phil Wells, Jay Fowler
Session Feedback: Please click the link below to give your feedback about this session. Encore Presidents: https://forms.gle/hATFkVosQ4jwPGxp7
Session Overview: To help expand our reach, one of Rotary’s strategic priorities, clubs should develop a plan to promote their activities and projects. At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
Understand how to organize a public image campaign
identify ways to promote their club and its activities and projects
Learning Leaders: Peter Sullivan, Eric Storberg, Mary Ellen Bentler, Andrea Chapman, Bill Skinner, Sal Lavatino, John Susani, John Cosgrove, Phil Wells, Jay Fowler
Session Feedback: Please click the link below to give your feedback about this session. First TIme Presidents: https://forms.gle/rTcx1wRnp7s6NHt97 Session Overview: Club presidents motivate members to reach goals, recognize club members with awards, communicate with club and district leaders, and listen to all members to ensure that their needs are met.
After this session, participants will be able to:
Identify the skills needed to be an effective club leader
Analyze challenges in leading the club and develop strategies for handling them
Learning Leaders: Bob Law, Carrie Hernandez, Rose Quaranta
Session Feedback: Please click the link below to give your feedback about this session. Encore Presidents: https://forms.gle/hATFkVosQ4jwPGxp7
Session Overview:
Programs and activities for young leaders support Rotary’s Action Plan by increasing our impact, expanding our reach, enhancing participant engagement, and increasing our ability to adapt.
At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
Understand how Rotary’s programs for young leaders (Interact, Rotary Youth Exchange, and Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) can benefit the organization
Get their clubs and districts more involved in these programs
Promote Rotary in ways that appeal to young people
Want to mix & mingle with all of your fellow President Elects, Assistant Governors, and other Rotary Leaders? We'll all be mingling, talking, exchanging ideas, and anxiously waiting for dinner to be served. Take this opportunity to make friends with the person behind you in the bar line, who knows you might save the world together!
Kerri Murray serves as President of the global humanitarian relief organization, ShelterBox USA, a non-profit that provides emergency shelter and essential supplies to people displaced by crisis. Since 2009, Kerri has dedicated her life to helping refugees and people made homeless... Read More →
Friday March 21, 2025 6:30pm - 7:30pm EDT
Grand BallroomHanover Marriott
District 7210 Past District Governor, PELS 2025 Foundation Fundraiser Chair, Rotary International Director & Treasurer 2022-24
Drew Kessler is senior vice president of the commercial real estate division at M&T Bank, where he manages a large loan portfolio of real estate and commercial ventures with major businesses in the New York City area.Drew has led numerous professional real estate organizations, serving... Read More →
Friday March 21, 2025 7:30pm - 9:00pm EDT
Grand BallroomHanover Marriott
There is a reason the hospitality suite is open every night, it's the single most important part of the training seminar. Here you have a priceless opportunity to talk to people from near and far about all you want to do, everything your afraid to try, and everything in between- don't miss it! Up on the 8th floor you will find our six hospitality suites. Yep, that’s right six- each with a different theme so come mingle your way around the world while meeting and talking to fellow President-Elects, Assistant Governors, Governors, and presenters. This is one of the most valuable opportunities to network, get new ideas, and build relationships to help make 2024-2025 the best year of your Rotary life. 7210= Hudson Valley NY Suite 857 7230=Manhattan, The Bronx, Staten Island, Westchester County NY, & Bermuda Suite 850 7255= Brooklyn, Queens, Nassau & Suffolk Counties of NY Suite 858 7410= Northeastern Pennsylvania Suite 841 Area 60/NJ 9= Essex, Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Morris, Somerset, Sussex, Union, & Warren Counties NJ Suite 849 7490= Bergen, Hudson, & Passaic Counties NJ Suite 845
**Note: Individual hospitality suite hours may vary by district**
Friday March 21, 2025 9:00pm - Saturday March 22, 2025 12:00am EDT
Hospitality SuitesHanover Marriott